My latest lessons have more to do with balancing a family and a business than anything. I have 2 small children and in just a couple days one of the two will be out of school for the summer. What to do with her? Well there's a backyard full of bugs and 'flowers' to pick along with her bicycle but she gets bored with that quickly. So I bring her up into my loft and turn her loose with paper towels and scotch tape and a doll. What does she do? She emulates mom and starts designing patterns for her dolls.
I think by the end of the summer I'll have to open up a new section of my site for her designs. I'll still have to do a lot of the finishing work on the patterns along with the sewing but I have a feeling that we'll have a lot of fun this summer. I also have a feeling that with my daughter learning to read and spell she'll pick up on web design and web languages fairly quick... after not too long she'll be maintaing that new section not me!
After her brother is out of school in less than a month this activity will be limited to during his nap time but should still be fun. When he's out of school as well it'll be off to the park most days... it's the reason we all have bikes!
Lesson learned... include children in your business and teach them about what you make or do... it's amazing how quick they'll pick up on things.